3060 Application of an Empirical Method and Numerical Modelling to Merensky Reef Crush Pillar Stability


  • Kevin Byron Le Bron SANIRE
  • Theresa Van Aard Senior Geotechnical Engineer, BHP , Australia




The empirical pillar strength formulae has been widely (and in most cases successfully) applied to design underground pillars for mines in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC). This paper presents the case for combining the empirical method and numerical modelling when it comes to crush pillar stability analyses. These benefits include understanding of potential failure mechanisms, which may then be accounted for in the designs. In addition, the impact of weak layers (such as shear zones), the impact of the dip of the orebody, differences in layouts (such as holing widths and the presence of ASGs immediately adjacent to the crush pillars) and stress regime (k-ratio) may be studied using numerical modelling, as it is not accounted for in the empirical method.

Author Biography

Kevin Byron Le Bron, SANIRE

Rock Engineering - Principal Consultant at MLB Consulting






Papers of General Interest